Frequently asked questions
The AAVE price is a market price. This means that it always reflects the price where there are an equal amount of people who want to buy and sell. In broader terms, Aave' price is of course als tied to the crypto market in general, and Bitcoin in particular. If cryptocurrencies enjoy an euphoric period, then that optimism will tend to lift AAVE up, too.
You can sell Aave on a crypto exchange.
A crypto exchange (or cryptocurrency exchange) is a marketplace where buyers and sellers trade cryptocurrencies. Just like regular stock exchanges, a cryptocurrency exchange serves as a middleman who sets the market price at which an equal number of buyers and sellers can be found.
It’s difficult to make certain predictions about the future of any cryptocurrency. Ideally, you’ll want to sell when you believe that the market is overestimating the true value of the coin — but given the volatility of crypto in general, any investment comes with risks. You can set up a price alert to not miss out on a good selling opportunity.
Bear in mind that selling will incur a few small costs, which might influence your decision. Your exchange will take a small cut, and most of those who sell Aave will also find themselves will a tax bill to pay.
In most parts of the world, cryptocurrency is considered a digital commodity rather than a currency in the true sense of the world. As such, when you invest in Aave, and then later sell it for a profit, you’ll be liable for capital gains tax. Crypto tax software can help you calculate and file your taxes.
Most exchanges will pay you via a direct bank transfer. However, some offer a slightly greater variety of options. You might use a service like PayPal, for instance. You can compare the available options using Cryptoradar.