
Frequently asked questions

XRP's price is a market price, based on demand and supply. This means that the Ripple price will increase, the more people are willing to buy (or the less people are willing to sell). Ripple is tied closely to prices of the wider market, and specifically that of Bitcoin.

You can sell XRP on crypto exchanges on the internet.

A crypto exchange (or cryptocurrency exchange) is a marketplace where buyers and sellers trade cryptocurrencies. Just like regular stock exchanges, a cryptocurrency exchange serves as a middleman who sets the market price at which an equal number of buyers and sellers can be found.

Like most cryptocurrency, Ripple is extremely volatile. It tends to create bubbles, whereby the price is inflated hugely over a short space of time, only to collapse again. The trick is to invest in Ripple during slumps, and sell before the next crash for a profit. Be aware, however, that timing can be tricky.

Don't miss out on a good selling point and set a yourself price alert.

You’ll need to take into account a range of factors, before you invest in Ripple with a view to later selling it. These include not only the price of the currency itself, but the transaction fees and tax obligations that the transfer will incur.

In most countries, Ripple is considered a financial asset. If you buy Ripple for later sale at a profit, you’ll be liable for capital gains tax. In the US, short-term capital gains are taxed in the same way as your income, which means up to 37%, depending on which tax bracket you fall into. Crypto tax software can help you calculate and file your taxes.

Different exchanges will pay you in different ways. In some cases, it’s a bank transfer, in others, you might get the money via services like PayPal, or a pay out in gold. Consult Cryptoradar if you’d like to see which payment options are available.