Frequently asked questions
Solana's price is determined on exchanges, based on supply and demand. This means that Solana's price will rise if there are more buyers than sellers.
Solana's price action is — like other forms of crypto — somewhat tied to the wider crypto market. Like they say: a rising tide lifts all boats.
That said, investors should also look at the potential utility of the network in the long term. Solana is highly scalable and could accomodate many different real-world applications. It’s also of particular utility for the financial sector.
You can sell Solana on crypto exchanges.
A crypto exchange (or cryptocurrency exchange) is a marketplace where buyers and sellers trade cryptocurrencies. Just like regular stock exchanges, a cryptocurrency exchange serves as a middleman who sets the market price at which an equal number of buyers and sellers can be found.
It’s difficult to predict the trajectory of any cryptocurrency, as they’re all so volatile. The suggestion that Amazon might start to support Bitcoin, for example, sent markets soaring in late July, only for things to contract shortly afterwards. If you can hold your nerve and capitalise on such moments, then there’s scope for considerable profit. Bear in mind, however, that there is always the risk that you will miss out.
Don't miss out on a good selling point and set a yourself price alert.
When you come to sell Solana, you should be sure to factor in any hidden costs you might incur along the way. Different exchanges will demand different fees — so make sure that you compare your options using Cryptoradar. Moreover, you’ll also need to think about your tax obligations.
Different exchanges pay out in different ways. Again, you can compare them with the help of Cryptoradar. Crypto tax software can help you calculate and file your taxes.
If you invest in Solana and profit from the sale of it, then you’re likely to be liable for capital gains tax, depending on the country in which you’re based. Make sure you know your obligations before you pull the trigger on a sale.