
Bit2Me is a prominent Spanish crypto broker, established in 2014. With 230+ cryptocurrencies available, it provides a safe, user-friendly, and comprehensive trading experience, underpinned by its industry-leading customer service.

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Customer Reviews

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Verified User

B2M is easy to use and with excellent customer service

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B2M es fácil de usar y con un excelente servicio de atención al cliente

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1 year ago

Verified User

One of the best sites I have used and still use for cryptocurrencies

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Uno de los mejores sitios que he utilizado y utilizo para criptomonedas

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1 year ago

Verified User

Serious, safe exchange of currencies, super professional and fast telephone service, a good company to invest with a lot of projection.

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Intercambio de monedas serio, seguro, atención telefónica súper profesional y rapido, buena empresa donde invertir con mucha proyección.

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1 year ago

Verified User

One of the most complete and easy to use exchanges

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Uno de los exchanges mas completos y fáciles de usar

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1 year ago

Verified User

Magnificent for newcomers to the crypto world.

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Magnífico para noveles en el mundo cripto.

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1 year ago

Verified User

I think Bit2Me is one of the exchanges with the most projection. His team works hard and always with transparency. One of the things I like the most is its investment in security, it offers me peace of mind.
Its intuitive use makes it easy to operate, also in Pro.
I really like it honestly!

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Creo que Bit2Me es uno de los exchanges con mas proyeccion. Su equipo trabaja mucho y siempre con transparencia. Una de las cosas que mas me gustan es su inversion en seguridad, me ofrece tranquilidad.
Su uso intuitivo facilita operar, tambien en Pro.
Me gusta mucho sinceramente!

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1 year ago

Verified User

Bit2me offers a very simple buy-sell wallet, earn to generate benefits without mortgaging the cryptos, pro with limit orders and others, credit card with benefits, level system for holders of your b2m token, training. For me perfect, great present and a very promising future.

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Bit2me ofrece una wallet de compra-venta sencillísimas, earn para generar beneficios sin hipotecar las criptos, pro con ordenes limit y demás, tarjeta de credito con beneficios, sistema de niveles para holders de su token b2m, formación. Para mi perfecto, gran presente y un futuro muy prometedor.

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1 year ago


Horrible market sale, the largest spreads and abusive fees. Plain and expensive. Not recommendable.

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Venta a Mercado horrible, los mayores spreads y fees abusivos. Simple y caro. No recomendable.

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1 year ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

The commissions are a bit high, you have to declare everything that goes through this app to the treasury. It does not have futures, it needs to improve the buy-sell to be able to scalp, because you do not know at what real price you buy or sell, there is no history of orders to buy or sell and leave programmed. When they get to implement this, it will be 10. Right now what it gives me is reliability.

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Las comisiones son un poco altas, tienes que declarar en hacienda todo lo que pase por esta app. No tiene futuros, le falta por mejorar lamcompra venta para poder hacer scalping, porque no sabes a qué precio real compras o vendes, no hay historial de órdenes para comprar o vender y dejar programada. Cuando lleguen a implementar esto, será de 10. Ahora mismo lo que me da es confiabilidad.

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1 year ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

Financial services that it offers very flexible, interesting products compared to other competitors such as Crypto Card with Cashback up to 9% base plus extra with agreements with specific businesses. Very good customer service, responding within hours at most, they also prepare the tax report for the income statement. A community that tries to help in case of any doubt with the platform or token. Good security measures, complying with demanding security measures and ISO Standards. €150m insurance.

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Servicios financieros que ofrece muy flexibles, productos interesantes respecto otros competidores como Tarjeta de Crypto con Cashback hasta el 9% base mas extra con acuerdos con negocios en concreto. Atención al cliente muy buena respondiendo en horas a lo maximo, tambien te realiza el informe fiscal para la declaración de la renta. Una comunidad que a cualquier duda intenta ayudar ante alguna duda con la plataforma o token. Buenas medidas de seguridad, cumpliendo medidas exigente de seguridad y Normas ISO. Seguro de 150mill €.

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1 year ago

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