
Bit2Me is a prominent Spanish crypto broker, established in 2014. With 230+ cryptocurrencies available, it provides a safe, user-friendly, and comprehensive trading experience, underpinned by its industry-leading customer service.

15€ in BTC are waiting for you!

Customer Reviews

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Verified Purchase

Hello, I am blocked on BIT2ME to send USDT? Could you give me some advice? When I completed the address tab, the message did not go out. THANKS. Valerie

Translated from French. Show Original

Bonjour, je suis bloquée sur BIT2ME pour envoyer des USDT? Pourriez-vous m'apporter un conseil. Lorsque j'ai complété l'onglet adress, le message ne part pas. Merci. Valérie

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8 months ago - Report

Verified User

Great service, great community and excellent offerings. I've been here for over two years now and admire the development of this platform and the way it deals with customers.

Translated from German. Show Original

Super Service, tolle Community und hervorragendes Angebot. Bin jetzt über zwei Jahre hier und bewundere die Entwicklung dieser Plattform und den Umgang mit den Kunden.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

What I value most about Bit2m is that you have a telephone service.
It's the only one I know that has phone service.
The staking percentages are higher, ETH and Btc than on Binance. It surprises me.

Translated from Spanish. Show Original

Lo que más valoro de Bit2m es que tienes servicio de atención telefónica.
Es el único que conozco que disponga atención telefónica.
Los porcentajes de staking son mayores, ETH y Btc que en Binance. Me sorprende.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified Purchase Verified User

Although registration is a bit of a hassle (but like everyone else), it's fast and you can buy right away.
Earn is an amazing service. You earn money just by having crypto stored in the service, it seems like magic, but it works, I have been using it for a long time and I can see daily profits.
They are a very serious company, they have been operating since 2015, they work with important entities and they have not had any hacking or anything similar, as many others in the industry have had, so I have full confidence. Still, as I like to say, never spend what you need to eat, but as an investment it's a good platform.

Translated from Spanish. Show Original

Aunque el registro es un poco rollo (pero como todos), es rápido y en seguida puedes comprar.
Earn es un servicio increíble. Ganas dinero solo por tener criptos almacenado en el servicio, parece magia, pero funciona, ya hace tiempo que lo uso y puedo ver ganancias diarias.
Son una empresa muy seria, operan desde 2015, trabajan con entidades importantes y no han tenido ningún hackeo ni nada similar, como han tenido muchos otros en la industria, así que yo tengo plena confianza. Aún así, como me gusta decir, nunca gastes lo que necesites para comer, pero como inversión es una buena plataforma.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Good company, simple interface and very interesting options within its app.

Translated from Spanish. Show Original

Buena empresa, sencilla interfaz y opciones muy interesantes dentro de su app.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Excellent broker for invest in crypto, easy to use and the best support and formative team!

1 year ago - Report

Verified Purchase Verified User

Based on my experience, Bit2Me seems to me to be one of the best options to operate due to its ease, security and excellent technical support. Highly recommend your Academic to train in the Crypto and Web3 ecosystem.

Translated from Spanish. Show Original

Según mi experiencia, Bit2Me me parece de las mejores opciones para operar por su facilidad, seguridad y su excelente soporte técnico. Muy recomendable su Academica para formarse en el ecosistema Crypto y Web3.

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1 year ago - Report


I am in bit2me because of the security it offers me. Recognized by the bank of Spain, fully regulated and brutal customer service creating a community. Also, if you bet on its utility token, the conditions are very good.

Translated from Spanish. Show Original

Estoy en bit2me por la seguridad que me ofrece. Reconocido por el banco de España, totalmente regulado y atención al cliente brutal creando comunidad. Además si apuestas por su utility token las condiciones son muy buenas.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Security, good customer service, great projection of the platform.

Translated from Spanish. Show Original

Seguridad, atención al cliente buenas, gran proyección de la plataforma.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Bit2me opened the doors to the crypto world for me, I appreciate your academy, where there are many interesting courses that contribute significantly to the growth of the sector, helping people to understand step by step what Bitcoin and the crypto sector are.

Translated from Spanish. Show Original

Bit2me me abrió las puertas al mundo cripto , agradezco su academia , dónde se encuentran muchos cursos interesantes y que aportan notablemente al crecimiento del sector , ayudando a las personas a entender paso a paso que es Bitcoin y el sector cripto.

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1 year ago - Report

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