
Bit2Me is a prominent Spanish crypto broker, established in 2014. With 230+ cryptocurrencies available, it provides a safe, user-friendly, and comprehensive trading experience, underpinned by its industry-leading customer service.

15€ in BTC are waiting for you!

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Customer Reviews

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I do not recommend this company at all, they only sell illusions, the only good thing they have is marketing, they do it in such a way that you don't realize when they deceive you.

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No recomiendo para nada esta empresa, venden solo ilusiones, lo único que tienen bueno es el marketing, que lo hacen de tal manera para no darte cuenta cuando te engañan.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Simple platform for managing cryptocurrencies.
Best of all, without a doubt, is their customer service, fast and efficient. They also attach great importance to training and learning in this world, which is needed.

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Plataforma sencilla para el manejo de criptomonedas.
Lo mejor de todo sin duda es su atencion al cliente, rápida y eficaz. Además le dan mucha importancia a la formación y aprendizaje en este mundillo, que falta hace.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Very agile and fast everything. Besides, if you have something from B2M it is much more attractive, large discounts on commissions, better APY in staking... for me a reference.

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Muy ágil y rápido todo. Aparte si tienes algo de B2M es muchísimo más atractivo, descuentos grandes en comisiones, mejores APY en el staking...para mí una referencia.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Wonderful support, easy to use, safer than any other and for me the best Bit2me Tax

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Soporte maravilloso, fácil de usar, mas seguro que ningún otro y para mi lo mejor Bit2me Tax

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Company with great potential, serious team with a good roapmap, improving day by day both in the services provided and new features that are being added progressively. Spectacular user support. Totally recommended, a Spanish company with all security standards, maximum ease in the purchase, sale and exchange of crypto assets. Very simple way to have passive income using your earn.

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Empresa con gran potencial, equipo serio con un buen roapmap, mejorando día a día tanto en los servicios prestados como nuevas funcionalidades que van agregando progresivamente. Soporte hacia el usuario espectacular. Totalmente recomendable, empresa española con todos los estándares de seguridad, máxima facilidad en la compra venta e intercambio de criptoacrivos. Manera muy sencilla de tener ingresos pasivos utilizando su earn.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

At Bit2Me we put a lot of effort into creating the safest, easiest and most complete platform in the world. We keep working every day!

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En Bit2Me nos esforzamos mucho en crear la plataforma más segura, fácil y completa del mundo. Seguimos trabajando cada día!

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1 year ago - Report

Verified Purchase Verified User

A few years now, operating with them, and very happy to be in the best place to buy Cryptos with the greatest security.
Making the most of Earn, Pro and above all Card, rising little by little, despite the market circumstances.
Better times will come!!
And the Future, which is already Present, is very promising, because they are working very hard, that effort will have its reward!

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Unos años ya, operando con ellos, y muy contenta de estar en el mejor sitio para comprar Cryptos con la mayor seguridad.
Aprovechando al máximo, Earn, Pro y sobretodo Card, subiendo poco a poco, a pesar de las circunstancias del Mercado.
Tiempos mejores, vendrán!!
Y el Fururo, que ya es Presente, es muy prometedor, pues están trabajando bien duro, ese esfuerzo tendrá su recompensa!

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1 year ago - Report


The best of all. If you have any questions or incidents, it is resolved immediately and they take into account what the community thinks. Very intuitive and agile. You can see that you have a lot to gain and little to lose.

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La mejor de todas. Si tienes alguna duda o incidencia se resuelve enseguida y tienen muy en cuenta lo que opina la comunida. Muy intuitiva y ágil. Podéis comprobarlo tenéis mucho que ganar y poco que perder.

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

If you want security in your cryptos, Bit2me is the most secure exchange there can be right now.
It also has a team that resolves any incident for you.
If you want security in your cryptos Bit2me is the most secure exchange that there can be right now.
It also has a team that resolves any incident for you

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Si quieres seguridad en tus criptos Bit2me es el exchange más seguro que puede haber ahora mismo.
También dispone de un equipo que cualquier incidencia te la resuelve.
If you want security in your cryptos Bit2me is the most secure exchange that there can be right now.
It also has a team that resolves any incident for you

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1 year ago - Report

Verified User

Commissions of 2%, are they crazy???

It is a bittrex scam, as soon as bittrex falls, Bit2Me will fall... beware!

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Comisiones del 2%, están locos???

es un scam de bittrex , en cuanto caiga bittrex caerá Bit2Me... cuidado !!!

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1 year ago - Report

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