
Mercuryo is a B2B crypto on/offramp gateway that allows your customers to seamlessly buy and sell crypto while supporting dozens of local payment methods and currencies.

Customer Reviews

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Verified Purchase Verified User

Not sure what all the 5 star reviews are about - they are pretty fake by the looks of it.

It’s the first time I’ve signed up to a Bitcoin wallet/app and after they asked me to confirm my bank card (by asking me to send them pictures of both sides of my card), they told me my account is permanently closed without a reason.

I asked several times for the reason but they didn’t even bother getting back to me. When I asked them to delete all my personal data, they refused.

No doubt some uneducated Estonian idiot will reply to this review, telling me they’re sorry for the experience and they will look into it further. No thanks - I’ll stick to Coinbase.

3 years ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

This is a SCAM. I made BCH selling operation on 3 days ago. Till now I didn't receive refunding because of any issue as support were saying two days. Today they said that no any transaction - standard schema for scammers. Then I send them screenshots, and I recorded all operation process, and after 5 minutes my transaction history has been restored. But this is not save Go away from all exchanges, using services. is a SCAM!!!! FRAUD!!!

2 years ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

I bought 700 USDT through BitForex via MercuryO and paid the $29 or so fee.

Then it never showed up and I contacted the live chat that takes FORVER to respond wit ha copy & pasted messege. They said they didn't action it in time and that they they are sorry but offerred no solution or explanation. Then after about 4 days the USDT turned up back in the MercuryO wallet instead of Bitforex.

When trying to send it back to Bitforex myself, I got hit with another $31 charge.

MercuryO admitted it was their fault, but just blankly said, we don't and won't refund fees. I asked if I should do a chargeback with my bank and they said. They can't advise.

So I'm now about $60 down from where I should be.

Terrible company with uncaring, unprofessional and very very slow support. You have no protection. Buy USDT somewhere else and transfer it in, or buy BTC and transfer it in and sell for USDT that way.

Shocking. They've lost a customer. Total amatuers.

3 years ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

Scandalous. I try to buy BTC, the operation fails. I'll try again, it works. Everything ok, I have my BTCs and I can use them as I please. 2 days later I find both transactions debited from my credit card. I write asking for explanations, they reply that due to THEIR ERROR the transaction has still passed and that I will find the money in my mercuryo wallet. I find less money in the wallet, because the BTC has gone down, I ask him to return everything to me, the answer was literally "it's not our problem". I try to get back 90% of what I spent, but they also want a credit card transfer fee, even though we're talking about THEIR MISTAKE! For the second time, I tell myself that it is not their problem.
I try to get my money back, but 3 times the transaction fails, desperate I write again what should I do ... they forgot to write that the transfer works only on mastercard ... but no block on visa. Again "it's not their problem".

Translated from Italian. Show Original

Scandaloso. Provo a comprare BTC, l'operazione fallisce. Ci riprovo, funziona. Tutto ok, ho i miei BTC e li posso usare come mi pare. 2 giorni dopo mi trovo entrambe le transazioni scalate dalla carta di credito. Scrivo chiedendo lumi, mi rispondono che per un LORO ERRORE la transazione è comunque passata e che troverò i soldi nel mio wallet mercuryo. Nel wallet trovo meno soldi, perchè il BTC è sceso, gli chiedo di rendermi tutto, la risposta è stata letteralmente "non è un nostro problema". Provo a riprendermi il 90% di quel che ho speso, ma vogliono anche una commissione per il trasferimento nella carta di credito, nonostante parliamo DI UN LORO ERRORE! Per la seconda volta, mi rispondo che non è un loro problema.
Provo a riprendermi i soldi, ma per 3 volte la transazione fallisce, disperato scrivo nuovamentecosa devo erano dimenticati di scrivere che il trasferimento funziona solo su non nessun blocco su visa. Di nuovo "non è un problema loro".

Show English translation

3 years ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

Bought Ethereum with them. They took the money from the credit card, but not sent it to my wallet. 4 days passed. They talk about some tech issues, but sound like a scum to me

3 years ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

Deposit via Visa / Mastercard no problem, bought for around 7500 € BTC, ETH, BAT & EGLD. After 1 week increased to € 8500, payment not possible. Allegedly technical problems or problems with the credit card. Was asked for the following: I found a problem with your selling cryupto.
To proceed further, please upload photo of card mask.
You can upload it to this chat, or send it via e-mail to
Card mask sample
Photo of the front side of the card the first 6 and last 4 digits of your bank card (rest of the digits are covered / shaded) and photo of the back of the card where the CVC code is covered / shaded) as seen below
(original text) followed by 2 corresponding instructional images (front / back of the credit card)

Absolute nonsense, beware of fraud !!!

Translated from German. Show Original

Einzahlung via Visa/Mastercard kein Problem, für rund 7500€ BTC, ETH, BAT & EGLD gekauft. Nach 1 Woche auf 8500€ gestiegen, Auszahlung nicht möglich. Angeblich technische Probleme, bzw Probleme mit der Kreditkarte. Wurde um folgendes gebeten: I found a problem with your selling cryupto.
To proceed further, please upload photo of card mask.
You can upload it to this chat, or send it via e-mail to
Card mask sample
Photo of the front side of the card the first 6 and last 4 digits of your bank card (rest of the digits are covered/shaded) and photo of the back of the card where the CVC code is covered/shaded) as seen below
(original Text) gefolgt von 2 entsprechenden anleitenden Bildern (Vor/Rückseite der Kreditkarte)

Absoluter Unsinn, Vorsicht Betrug!!!

Show English translation

3 years ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

Horrible company. Fake reviews on here do not trust them! Support doesnt care about their customers, they will cheat you and overcharge in fees. This company is ran by scammers and does not deserve your money. I was shown id get 0.2171 btc. When i made payment i received 0.213 btc. Then they have the audacity to say btc fluctuates. If u cannot honor your word then youre violating the law! Stay away at all cost! This company is trash. Stick to moonpay they are way better

1 year ago

Verified User

Unfortunately, I can only agree with that. I made a transaction with a debit card and was immediately blocked afterwards.

When the legitimation was through, they suddenly said, without giving any reason, that I couldn't be identified.

"Our compliance measures and regulatory requirements prevent us from sharing specific details about the decision"

The first transaction that worked was extremely expensive!
I was really surprised.

Support is average. I always get an answer, but the quality is of no use.

No idea what that is. In any case, do not take pictures of your cards. Buy your cryptos through other exchanges and ship them from there.

It's more complex, but significantly cheaper 👍🏽

Translated from German. Show Original

Dem kann ich mich leider nur anschließen. Habe eine Transaktion durchgeführt mit einer DebitKarte und war im Anschluss sofort gesperrt.

Als die Legitimation durch war, hat es plötzlich ohne Angaben von Gründen geheißen, man könne mich nicht identifizieren.

"Our compliance measures and regulatory requirements prevent us from sharing specific details about the decision"

Die erste Transaktion die funktionierte, war extrem Teuer!
Habe mich echt gewundert.

Support ist durchschnittlich. Bekomme zwar immer eine Antwort, die jedoch Qualität nichts taugt.

Keine Ahnung was das soll. Macht auf jeden Fall keine Bilder von euren Karten. Kauft eure Kryptos über andere Börsen und versendet sie von dort.

Ist zwar aufwendiger, aber deutlich günstiger 👍🏽

Show English translation

1 year ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

FRAUDULENT WEBSITE. STAY AWAY. This site blocks your account without any support. I was scammed by a fake phishing website. Instead of offering assistance, the website administrators basically block your account without providing any more details. Be AWARE of this terrible experience!!

11 months ago

Verified Purchase Verified User

I bought eth for the optimist network and they entered it into the main ethereum. I contact support and they say that I chose the main network when it's a lie and since it doesn't tell you which network you bought it in, I can't prove it to you, so if you use this service, get out photo before paying so you don't get scammed

Translated from Spanish. Show Original

Compre eth para la red de optimist y me lo ingresaron en ethereum principal me comunico con el soporte y dicen que elegi la red principal cuando es mentira y como no te pone en que red lo compraste no puedo demostrarlo a si que si usan este servicio saquen foto antes de pagar para que no os estafen

Show English translation

11 months ago

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