Coinbase Advanced

Coinbase Advanced es un broker de criptomonedas con sede en Estados Unidos que lanzó su servicio en 2016 y ofrece a los individuos la posibilidad de comprar y vender más de 60 criptomonedas.

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Encuentro la aplicación interesante para la vista de comercio de criptomonedas.

Traducido de inglés. Mostrar original

I find the app interesting for cryptocurrency trading view.

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hace 2 años - Report

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He usado la plataforma durante una o dos semanas y noté que tengo que cambiar instrumentos/símbolos para obtener órdenes abiertas. Si tengo una orden abierta y estoy operando con otro símbolo, no aparece en las órdenes abiertas. Además, el gráfico en vivo es muy simple y no veo una forma de agregar indicadores muy básicos, como el promedio móvil, MACD, RSI o el canal Keltner. Solo puede abrir/cerrar operaciones y debe realizar un seguimiento de ellas por separado, lo que anula el propósito de tener computadoras modernas.

Traducido de inglés. Mostrar original

I've used the platform for a week or 2 and noticed that I have to change instruments/symbols to get open orders. If I have an open order and am trading another symbol, it doesn't show in open orders. Also, live chart is very simplistic and I don't see a way to add any very basic indicators such as moving average, MACD, RSI, or Keltner channel. You can only open/close trades and you have to keep track of them separately which defeats the purpose of having modern computers.

Mostrar traducción a español

hace 2 años - Report

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Kinda annoyed they held onto my BTC transaction for 4 days when i first signed up! The whole point of BTC is it is our money! Apart from that everything else is OK. Made me a bit nervous them holding onto my money for 4 days - Longer than a traditional bank!!!!

hace 4 años - Report


Don't let yourself be fooled by the pro, it is a premium and support does get bettter but it does have much of thesame issues regular coinbase fases, not to say it sucks or whatever, it's a good alternative, but manage your expectations about it.

hace 4 años - Report

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So i bought some bitcoin from coinbase pro 20k worth and started trading for 2 weeks. Net net was i lost after lots of trades £250k's worth and then eventually it came good and sold to recoup what id put in..
then i try and buy in again and they blocked me. absolutely no idea why and no explanation given!!
Heres what they said...

Furthermore, Coinbase reviewed your account and has determined that you are not eligible to use the Coinbase platform to purchase cryptocurrency or use our deposit services. As such, you are no longer eligible to link any payment methods. We are not able to provide you with any additional information.
be careful people..

hace 4 años - Report


Empfehlenswert. Die Oberfläche ist ok und sollte auch für Anfänger verständlich sein. Die Verifizierung erfolgte reibungslos und schnell. Die Gebühren sind absolut ok wenngleich Binance noch günstiger ist. Dafür bietet coinbase pro die Möglichkeit der Auszahlung in EUR usw.! Den Einwand von Flury kann ich nicht gelten lassen, da man vernünftigerweise sowieso sein Coins nicht dauerhaft bei einer Börse liegen lassen sollte, sondern immer asap in seine Wallet überträgt! Because, not your Keys not your Coins!
Alles in Allem bin ich sehr zufrieden mit coinbase PRO!

hace 5 años - Report

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Kundenservice ist sehr mies. Ansonsten eine Exchange wie jede andere. Aufgrund der Erfahrung von coinbase bleibe ich der Exchange treu

hace 5 años - Report


So let me say they have a lot of room for improvement! With as much business as they have they should be cutting down on the basic coinbase fees
Their value is in how Very Simple it is to set up and User Interface. I will say when your average 40-60 year old who has minimum computer experience decided to invest with crypto, It will either be with a broker or Coinbase. Very simple to use and understand for our technically challenged baby boomers. I agree with @abomadje that someone and it will be sooner than later, will come and in a 3 move checkmate takeout CB Revealing their hand when the additional crypto coins besides the original 5, in the proceess they were added was at the least a desperate attempt to "keep up" at best. They are huge and have branding established but all it will take is a couple of shiny new features and the right timing marketing on the next run, can make CB a memory of the past..

hace 5 años - Report


Für deutsche nicht brauchbar oder auf eigene Gefahr, auf Grund der AGBs. Coinbase behält sich vor deutsche Konten ohne Grund zu schließen.

Zitat auf deutsch:
"Die Webseite und Dienstleistungen von Coinbase werden nicht für Personen angeboten, die ihren Wohnsitz oder ihren registrierten Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland haben. Die Dienste von Coinbase werden von Coinbase UK, Ltd. angeboten, einer im Vereinigten Königreich ansässigen Firma. Coinbase UK, Ltd ist kein regulierter Finanzdienstleister und operiert nicht außerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs."

hace 6 años - Report


Someone is going to come along and knock them out of the box, so to speak, in my opinion, for a few reasons. First and foremost they have little to no response to customer service and all of a sudden my bank transfer purchases were not an option so I had to add my debit. Well for debit they charge me 3.99% NOT 1.99%. 2% makes a difference in this market and when I tried contacting them-- nothing. Even though my bank account is totally legit, the site won't verify it again, leaving me in 3.99% hell. As I said, just waiting for Robinhood or another option because when it comes along I and everyone else will be gone. Also, after reading the Bitcoin Cash debacle and Litecoin theories about insider trading makes me more unhappy. And, to top that off, explain why they get 3.99% AND charge more than the going rate when you go to purchase bitcoin. The buffer is ridiculous and amount unjustified.

hace 6 años - Report

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